Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TED Talk Reflections

Overall, I am very happy with how my project turned out. I think that my final product (Sunny's sweater) is pretty good for someone who has only been knitting for 6 weeks. I never imagined myself becoming this good at knitting. I am very proud of what I was able to accomplish and extremely glad that I picked up a new life skill. I think that I will be knitting for a long time because it is a great way to get rid of stress and relax.

I think that my TED talk was good overall. I know that there was definitely room for improvement, and that I could have rehearsed it a few more times. I caught myself making a few mistakes and tripping up over a few words so I know that I was not as polishes as I could have been. The idea of giving a presentation in the audion was a little intimidating so I let myself use note cards to increase my comfort level. I depended on them more than I should have even though talking on the stage proved to be more fun and less scary.

I felt very good when I was giving my speech. I tried to walk around a little but I was running into the screen so I ended up staying still (even though I didn't want to.) In my opinion, I did a good job of looking around the room and trying to make eye contact with my whole audience. I know that I was quiet; I tried to be loud but I quickly forget to keep it up.

Looking at the rubric and at the Ted Commandments (that never fails to make me laugh) I think that I hit all the major points. I was trying to convey the message that you have to find a way to escape from stress so that you can be a happier person. I wanted people to understand that giving up a little bit of time is worth it of you are a happier person. I think that I conveyed this message well. However, I do not think that I utilized my visuals as I should have. Overall, my presentation was good but it could have been better. I spent more time working on my sweater than my presentation. (Although I did spend 60 hours on the sweater, just saying.)

So, if I had to grade myself I would give myself a 27.5/30.

-2 points for delivery (using notes, not rehearsing enough.)
-.5 point for not using my visuals correctly

I hope that you find something that you love, that helps to reduce your stress, so that you can be a happier person.