Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TED Talk Reflections

Overall, I am very happy with how my project turned out. I think that my final product (Sunny's sweater) is pretty good for someone who has only been knitting for 6 weeks. I never imagined myself becoming this good at knitting. I am very proud of what I was able to accomplish and extremely glad that I picked up a new life skill. I think that I will be knitting for a long time because it is a great way to get rid of stress and relax.

I think that my TED talk was good overall. I know that there was definitely room for improvement, and that I could have rehearsed it a few more times. I caught myself making a few mistakes and tripping up over a few words so I know that I was not as polishes as I could have been. The idea of giving a presentation in the audion was a little intimidating so I let myself use note cards to increase my comfort level. I depended on them more than I should have even though talking on the stage proved to be more fun and less scary.

I felt very good when I was giving my speech. I tried to walk around a little but I was running into the screen so I ended up staying still (even though I didn't want to.) In my opinion, I did a good job of looking around the room and trying to make eye contact with my whole audience. I know that I was quiet; I tried to be loud but I quickly forget to keep it up.

Looking at the rubric and at the Ted Commandments (that never fails to make me laugh) I think that I hit all the major points. I was trying to convey the message that you have to find a way to escape from stress so that you can be a happier person. I wanted people to understand that giving up a little bit of time is worth it of you are a happier person. I think that I conveyed this message well. However, I do not think that I utilized my visuals as I should have. Overall, my presentation was good but it could have been better. I spent more time working on my sweater than my presentation. (Although I did spend 60 hours on the sweater, just saying.)

So, if I had to grade myself I would give myself a 27.5/30.

-2 points for delivery (using notes, not rehearsing enough.)
-.5 point for not using my visuals correctly

I hope that you find something that you love, that helps to reduce your stress, so that you can be a happier person.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Week Seven: Dog Sweater!

I finished! I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy and proud of myself and relieved not to have to knit anymore!

This is what the sweater was supposed to look like:

These are picture of two out of the three patterns that I used. 
The third did not have a picture. 

Drum roll please! This is Sunny's sweater!!!!!

I have to say, it looks amazing! 
Plus, it is crazy soft. 

This sweater took my forever to knit. Seriously, forever. 

I am not sure if you can tell, but this is a TON of knitting. The stitches are all tiny and delicate. 
The waistband and collar stripes are also stretchy and getting the stitches right was hard. 
(It was an advanced stitch.) 

So I did some math. If I were to give myself minimum wage for this sweater, the cost (counting the materials) would be a little over $500. THAT IS INSANE! Basically, my dog's sweater costs more than anything piece of clothing that I have in my closet. The supplies alone cost over triple that of a store-bought dog sweater! And a nice one!

My mom thinks that I was absolutely insane for doing this. Somehow, I don't. I am very glad that I took the time to knit this sweater because it is something that I am extremely proud of. It wasn't the knitting that I enjoyed but the relaxation and calmness that came with it. It was a great way to spend my spring break because I have been so stress free. 

I am very appreciative of this Genius Project because it gave me a chance to learn how to knit and to be a more relaxed and patient person. This project has also taught me a lot of appreciation for knitted things. When I took a good, hard look at the blanket that someone had knit for my father, I almost fainted. That would have taken me years. 

Plus, I now have the best dressed dog in the neighborhood. Take that dog-with-the-sparkly-collar! My dog's sweater is worth over $500! 

Week Six: Endless Knitting

This week all I have done it knit. And knit. And knit. And switched yarn. And knit. And switched needles. And knit. And hurt myself with a needle. And knit. And watched way more TV than is healthy while knitting until I got a headache. And knit. And knit. And slept.

The weirdest part is, I actually enjoyed it. Knitting is so relaxing and I have never felt less stressed! (Which is probably a bad thing because I do have to finish knitting in time to do other homework.)

I started on my last knitting project of the Genius Project: A sweater for my puppy.

My original goal that I set for myself during week one "is to knit a sweater for my puppy that has at least one more advanced stitch pattern it in." I think that I am going to meet this goal! I spent the first two days of this week finding the perfect pattern, buying supplies, and learning all of the skills that it requires.

I found three patterns, combined them, and altered them to make the perfect sweater for my puppy. It took me a while (and a lot of dog treats to keep Sunny still enough to measure) but I was able to calculate the exact amount of stitches, rows, and balls of yarn that I would need.

The pattern that I created evolved three different kinds of stitches. One of these stitches I already knew, but I had to teach myself the second two. One of them was fairly complicated, so the sweater meets my requirements of having one advanced stitch. I also had to learn how to knit on circular needles.

This is not me but these are the same type
of needles. The ones that I used were longer 
and much thinner. 

What I realized was that knitting on circular needles was basically like knitting forever and ever. You just knit on and on and on until you are finished. This was good and bad at the same time; it was intimidating that you never stopped but it was nice because I never lost a needle. 

I was very proud of myself for the progress that I made this week. Even though my task was daunting, I did not give up, I just knit. And knit. And knit. 

My readings: 

These are the patterns that I used and combined: 

     "Linus’ Sweater (Easy Dog Sweater Knitting Pattern)." Knit and Bake. N.p., 21 Jan. 
          2012. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. 

     "Easy Dog Sweaters." Talking Tails. N.p., 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.           

     "Knitting a Dog Sweater the Easy Way." United Hope for Animals. United Hope, 
          2009. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. 

Walsh, Caley. "Knitting And Crochet Offer Long-term Health Benefits." PRLOG
     Press Release Distribution, 9 Feb. 2009. Web. 30 Mar. 2013. 

          This site talked about the health benefits of knitting. I am at a very low risk 
          for heart disease! This is definitely a reason to keep knitting. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week Five: Vlog

I made a vlog talking about what has inspired me, how my readings and resources have informed my approach to knitting, interesting facts that I have found, and the development of my patience.

Brooke's Vlog from Brooke Rhea on Vimeo.


Week Five: An Angry Puppy

I finally finished my scarf! I am so happy and proud of myself! Even though a scarf for a dog is completely pointless, I will forever cherish my first completed knitting project! I thought that I would never have the patience to finish it but I did!

My dog, on the other hand, still has no patience for photo-shoots.

 Really? This again?
 This scarf is pointless. I am a dog. I have a natural scarf.  
 Get away! I want to sleep! 
 I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. 
 But really. Can I sleep? 
I am going to ruin all your pictures by sticking my tongue out!

I gave her a treat so its okay.

Overall I am really happy with how my spiral scarf came out. I was able to follow a somewhat complex pattern and I only messed up three times! I had to learn a new technique where you only knit a few stitches into the row, stop, loop around the next stitch, and then turn around so that you eventually create a triangle.

I am excited for next week! Sewing is starting to become a great way for me to relieve stress. Even though it is hard to sit down and just knit, when I do I forget about all my problems and homework and projects and can relax. (That is, until my dog notices what I am doing. Sunny jumped up onto the couch several times to steel my yarn.)

Next week I am going to learn a new, more complicated stitch, pick out a pattern for my next project, and start it. I really want to knit a sweater for Sunny. I think that would be rewarding. (Plus, if I knit it correctly, she may not be able to take it off!)

Wish me luck!

Here are my readings:

"Knit Away Your Worries." Knit Away Your Worries. N.p., 2010. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.
     <http://www.hearthealthyonline.com/heart-disease-overview/stress-management/knit-away worries_ss1.html>.

          The repetition of the pattern in knitting gets rid of your worries! 

"Knitting Health Issues and Benefits." Blue Castle Fiber Arts. N.p., 2010. Web. 
     18 Mar. 2013. <http://www.spin-knit-dye.com/knitting-health.html>.

          This website talks about how knitting can help your joints and prevent arthritis. This
           is not a concern for me now but I think that I will continue knitting and make it a life
          skill, so it is nice to have the knowledge. 

"Knitting and Stress Relief." Knitvana. N.p., 25 Sept. 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. 

          Knitting is healthy for you! If stress levels build up, your body cannot function to its
          fullest capability. Knitting can reduce stress and keep people in better mental, and
          even physical, shape. Knitting is used to treat patients with heart problems and 
          certain heart diseases. It reduces stress levels so their hearts can function better. 

White, Sarah. "Knitting for Stress Relief." Knitting. About.com, 20 Aug. 2007. 
     Web. 18 Mar. 2013.

          This website talks about studies which have proven that knitting helps to releive 
          stress. It also talks about the best ways to knit in order to mazimize your relaxation.