Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week Five: An Angry Puppy

I finally finished my scarf! I am so happy and proud of myself! Even though a scarf for a dog is completely pointless, I will forever cherish my first completed knitting project! I thought that I would never have the patience to finish it but I did!

My dog, on the other hand, still has no patience for photo-shoots.

 Really? This again?
 This scarf is pointless. I am a dog. I have a natural scarf.  
 Get away! I want to sleep! 
 I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. 
 But really. Can I sleep? 
I am going to ruin all your pictures by sticking my tongue out!

I gave her a treat so its okay.

Overall I am really happy with how my spiral scarf came out. I was able to follow a somewhat complex pattern and I only messed up three times! I had to learn a new technique where you only knit a few stitches into the row, stop, loop around the next stitch, and then turn around so that you eventually create a triangle.

I am excited for next week! Sewing is starting to become a great way for me to relieve stress. Even though it is hard to sit down and just knit, when I do I forget about all my problems and homework and projects and can relax. (That is, until my dog notices what I am doing. Sunny jumped up onto the couch several times to steel my yarn.)

Next week I am going to learn a new, more complicated stitch, pick out a pattern for my next project, and start it. I really want to knit a sweater for Sunny. I think that would be rewarding. (Plus, if I knit it correctly, she may not be able to take it off!)

Wish me luck!

Here are my readings:

"Knit Away Your Worries." Knit Away Your Worries. N.p., 2010. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.
     <http://www.hearthealthyonline.com/heart-disease-overview/stress-management/knit-away worries_ss1.html>.

          The repetition of the pattern in knitting gets rid of your worries! 

"Knitting Health Issues and Benefits." Blue Castle Fiber Arts. N.p., 2010. Web. 
     18 Mar. 2013. <http://www.spin-knit-dye.com/knitting-health.html>.

          This website talks about how knitting can help your joints and prevent arthritis. This
           is not a concern for me now but I think that I will continue knitting and make it a life
          skill, so it is nice to have the knowledge. 

"Knitting and Stress Relief." Knitvana. N.p., 25 Sept. 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. 

          Knitting is healthy for you! If stress levels build up, your body cannot function to its
          fullest capability. Knitting can reduce stress and keep people in better mental, and
          even physical, shape. Knitting is used to treat patients with heart problems and 
          certain heart diseases. It reduces stress levels so their hearts can function better. 

White, Sarah. "Knitting for Stress Relief." Knitting. About.com, 20 Aug. 2007. 
     Web. 18 Mar. 2013.

          This website talks about studies which have proven that knitting helps to releive 
          stress. It also talks about the best ways to knit in order to mazimize your relaxation. 

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