Saturday, March 30, 2013

Week Seven: Dog Sweater!

I finished! I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy and proud of myself and relieved not to have to knit anymore!

This is what the sweater was supposed to look like:

These are picture of two out of the three patterns that I used. 
The third did not have a picture. 

Drum roll please! This is Sunny's sweater!!!!!

I have to say, it looks amazing! 
Plus, it is crazy soft. 

This sweater took my forever to knit. Seriously, forever. 

I am not sure if you can tell, but this is a TON of knitting. The stitches are all tiny and delicate. 
The waistband and collar stripes are also stretchy and getting the stitches right was hard. 
(It was an advanced stitch.) 

So I did some math. If I were to give myself minimum wage for this sweater, the cost (counting the materials) would be a little over $500. THAT IS INSANE! Basically, my dog's sweater costs more than anything piece of clothing that I have in my closet. The supplies alone cost over triple that of a store-bought dog sweater! And a nice one!

My mom thinks that I was absolutely insane for doing this. Somehow, I don't. I am very glad that I took the time to knit this sweater because it is something that I am extremely proud of. It wasn't the knitting that I enjoyed but the relaxation and calmness that came with it. It was a great way to spend my spring break because I have been so stress free. 

I am very appreciative of this Genius Project because it gave me a chance to learn how to knit and to be a more relaxed and patient person. This project has also taught me a lot of appreciation for knitted things. When I took a good, hard look at the blanket that someone had knit for my father, I almost fainted. That would have taken me years. 

Plus, I now have the best dressed dog in the neighborhood. Take that dog-with-the-sparkly-collar! My dog's sweater is worth over $500! 


  1. Nice sweater. :) I bet your dog feels like 500 bucks! (agh, terrible joke of the day). It really does look like the ones in the pictures, except your dog is cuter!

  2. Wow, Brooke, I am really impressed! (Not that I doubted you could do it.) But seriously, for someone who started knitting six weeks ago, this is a huge achievement! The sweater looks just like it's supposed to and it has that fancy pattern at the edges and the stripes... Do you want to keep knitting after this project is over, or are you going to give it up?

    $500 worth of time and materials? Sunny is spoiled.

    1. Thank you!

      I am planning to keep up my knitting. (I probably will not kn it as much, but maybe I will knit more sweaters and do a stripe or two a week, or a scarf in the same way.) I have really enjoyed knitting and it has been a great way to get rid of stress. A lot of people in my family are huge knitters and they have been happy seeing me knit. This is something that I consider a great life skill to have. Hopefully I am able to keep with it!

  3. That's one of cutest things I've ever seen, nice job! I disagree with your mother, I don't think you're insane; knitting's a lot of hard work, but it's cool skill that really pays off in the end. I'm glad you've found knitting to be so relaxing, as you're a really busy person. I should knit, but I'm dreadfully lazy. I just have one question: do you get knitting elbow or carpal tunnel from knitting for hours upon end?

  4. Brooke, your dog's sweater turned out great!You picked up knitting really fast. From not knowing anything how to knit to knitting a full dog's sweater is pretty amazing for such a short period of time! I hope you continue with your knitting, maybe one day you might make a blanket just like your dads. Good luck with your TED talk!

  5. I admit, that's actually really adorable. I'm glad you were able to produce what you were trying to. Do you think, if you keep practicing, you'll be able to make a tiny sweater that doesn't break the bank?

  6. Really impressive job with the sweater, Brooke. I am glad your dog seemed to like it as well. At least better than the scarf. I am curious, however, how exactly did you arrive at the number 500 dollars? I wish you good luck in future endeavors, and I hope you continue knitting.
