Friday, March 1, 2013

Week Three: Setbacks

Lesson One: I should never knit in the car again. It will make me car sick.

I have gotten a little bit ahead of myself this week and made a lot more progress than I thought I would. Originally, I planned to continue knitting squares this week. I knit one more and then realized that it was time to move on.

On this square, I alternated between two different types of stitches (the knit and perl stitches) to create a pattern. I didn't mess up once and it actually looks like it is supposed to! (By alternating the patterns, the front and the back turn out different.)

The next skill that I decided to attempt was joining yarn and knitting with more stitches on my needle. This worked out a lot better than I expected!

I think that it actually looks good!

After this, things went downhill again. I decided to attempt to knit a sock for my dog. I didn't use a patter, I just wanted to see if I could make a sock-like shape that would fit Sunny. As you can tell from Sunny's eagerness to wear the sock, it turned out wonderfully! Or not...

She kept trying to shake it off...

I am not really sure what this is but it definitely is not a sock.

This brings me to my set back...

My goals for week four and five were to knit a pair of socks. This is not going to happen. I have learned that knitting the heal and alternating the knit and perl stitches and using a circular needle or (five double pointed needles) in order to knit the ankle was WAY above my skill level. Instead, I have decided to knit a scarf.

My goal for week four is to knit a scarf for my dog. I know what you are thinking, "A scarf... for a dog? Is she insane?" Well, I am a little bit insane but there is also logic behind this. Knitting a scarf for a person would take weeks but knitting a scarf for my dog, which is basically just a miniature scarf, will only take a couple of days. If I knit Sunny a scarf, she may not use it, but I will have more time to try my hand at other patterns.

I found a really pretty pattern for a spiral scarf, which I am going to cut in half so that it will fit my dog. This scarf has a repeating pattern that was difficult at first but I am getting the hang of it. Since I am a little ahead of my plan, I decided to start. This is the scarf so far. (It is about one third done.)

When it is done, the whole thing will spiral like this.

I feel like a real knitter!

I am still not sure what I am going to do during week five, but I will find out after I am finished with the scarf. One of my goals is to knit without looking the whole time. I am impressed with my aunt who can hold conversations while knitting socks and sweaters and I wish I could at least watch TV while I knit away.

Hopefully, I will not come across too many more problems!

Wish me luck!

Here are my readings: (Again, I used a lot of YouTube videos for learning skills.)

Allen, Pam. "How To Join Yarn in Knitting." Knitting For Dummies
     For Dummies, 209. Web. 01 Mar. 2013. 

          This site taught me how to join yarn. 

Aragona, Kara. "Knit It Out: Soothe Stress a Stitch at a Time." Women in Business, 2010. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.

          I found this article really interesting! It is all about how knitting can relieve stress!
          There are some really cool tips on the best way to knit if you are looking for a
          to calm down after a long day. (It also talks about knitting for charity.)

Dickens. "How Knitting Can Relieve Stress and Lower Blood Pressure." HubPages
     N.p., 2011. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.

          Did you know that knitting can reduce your blood pressure? This article talks
          about the health benefits of knitting, which include stress relief.

"Learn to Knit a Spiral Scarf." Very Pink. N.p., 27 June 2012. Web. 01 Mar. 2013. 

          This site had a video and a pattern showing how to knit a simple spiral scarf.


  1. I wondered how the Sunny sock would turn out. I'm telling you, she doesn't need clothes... But I'm glad you're ahead in your knitting. The scarf looks really pretty so far. You should (eventually) try a human-sized one.

    ...You know, a teddy bear might be a better model than Sunny. She would sit still, unlike your barking rabbit. You should DEFINITELY knit clothes for a teddy bear.

  2. Brooke, your scarf looks great so far! I love the spiral design, it's pretty and more interesting than just knitting a straight scarf. I agree with Nicole, you should make a human-sized one eventually (then you and Sunny would match?) Don't be discouraged by the sock misadventure; socks are supposed to be super hard. You've made a lot of progress really quickly! Keep it up, you can do nothing but improve from here!

  3. Hi Brooke. I am so sorry about all of these setbacks. You seem to be very flexible when having to deal with these problems. Socks sound really hard to do, and scarves seem a whole lot easier. I am noticing a trend here. You like making clothing for your dog. Maybe you should make him a hat? Not in this project, but in the future. Also, I want to congradulate you on something. Your blog seems to flow. I do not know how or why, but it does. Keep doing what ever you are doing. Good job Brooke.

    P.S. You will have the most fashionable dog on the block.

    1. Thank you! I very much enjoy making Sunny as fashionable as possible, even though she tends to hide the clothes I make for her...
