Friday, March 1, 2013

Week Two: Yarn!

In order to learn how to knit, I needed a lot of supplies. I went to JoAnn and asked the employees what I needed if I wanted to knit. They filled my cart. 

I think this is most of it. I bought yarn for my first few projects (I chose a few different types of yarn so I could get used to knitting with different thicknesses and types,) as well as needles (I also chose many types of needles, again to discover where my preference is.) 

I started out using the biggest needles, the only reason being that THEY WERE PINK! 

My goal for week two was to learn the basic knit stitch and to make practice squares. I am proud to say that I was actually able to complete this! It only took me four hours to learn how to cast on and knit! 

Sadly, it didn't take long for things to take a turn for the worse... 

I realized very quickly that knitting is a very slow process and that I tend to mess up, a lot, when I try to knit fast. My first square was kind of a disaster. When I picked it up, it fell apart. Oops... 

After a couple of days, I got better. I was able to knit squares that didn't fall apart! (Binding off proved to be more difficult that I expected. It is a tedious process.) I started to use different types of yarn and needles. 

On the pink rectangle I experimented with different types of stitches, which was actually really fun. 

All in all, week two was successful. I learned how to knit, even though not extremely well. My goals for week three are to knit better squares, to get better at the perl stitch, and to play around with what I can knit (because squares are boring.) 

Wish me luck!

Here is what I read while I learned how to knit. I watched a lot of YouTube videos in order to learn the basic stitches but these sites helped a lot, too. 

Bo, Sondra. "How to Knit the Purl Stitch." WikiHow. N.p., 2010. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.  

          This site has great step-by-step instructions for the perl stitch

"Knitting Abbreviations Glossary." How to Knit. Knitting Help, 2008. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.      

          This site was my glossary for knitting abbreviations. 

Webster, Sondra, Jack Herrick, and Filigree Peehen. "How to Knit the Knit Stitch."
     WikiHow. N.p., 2010. Web. 01 Mar. 2013. 

          This site has great step-by-step instructions for the knit stitch. 

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